Marja Liisa Meurice
Over twenty years of experience in innovation management within organizations has provided insights for transformation, and opportunities through innovation and R&D. Today as head of EIT Food North-East she is driving the change for the agri-food sector with the Partners and Programmes of the EIT Food Consortium. She has previously worked as Vice President of Innovation for Sodexo (a Global Service and Food Company) implementing innovation process in over 70 countries, Operations and Programme Manager of the European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA) which gathered major European and global industrial companies together to share their R&D and Innovation efforts and lately as the founder of innovation platform Hyphenity gathering innovation practitioners around virtual Round Tables for exchange. These experiences provided a broad understanding of challenges and solutions in the service and food industries as well as in the European Industrial Innovation and R&D management. Collaboration with major Global and European companies has allowed building a solid network with European Innovation leaders.