Lorena van de Kolk
Lorena is a Managing Partner at Schuttelaar & Partners, where she is heading S&P’s international agrifood department. Lorena has a vast experience in European law and funding programs. She worked for local, regional and EU administrations in Galicia and Brussels including 6 years at the support unit set up by DG MARE (EU Commission) to implement the Community-led local development program of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. She is a founding member of GAIA, the Gender Alliance for Innovation in Agriculture (https://www.genderalliance.eu/).
Lorena is well experienced in Horizon projects dealing with gender equality in agri-food. Leading a gender task force in IoF2020 and SmartAgriHubs projects, she implemented communication strategies focusing on gender equality in the digitalization of agriculture. As a manager, Lorena is dedicated to amplifying the voices of women and young people. In this session, she is looking forward to sharing both her personal and managerial perspective.